Odprt poziv vabi vse kolažne umetnice in umetnike iz celega sveta, da prijavijo svoja dela, ki so narejena v tehniki digitalnega kolaža in se nanašajo na osrednjo temo POD POVRŠJEM.
>> Specifikacije razpisa, prijavnica in več informacij o razpisu je dostopnih na POVEZAVI <<
O razstavišču
Dela, izbrana na odprtem pozivu, bodo razstavljena v kleti Mestne hiše Kranj, ki je eden najodličnejših renesančnih dvorcev na Slovenskem iz 16. in 17. stoletja.
Rok za prijavo del
30. 4. 2024
Žirija za izbor del
Andrej Štular je multimedijski umetnik, ki je aktiven na različnih področjih vizualne umetnosti: ilustraciji, stripih, videu, filmu, kiparstvu, slikarstvu, lutkarstvu in fotografiji. Je član striparskega kolektiva Strip Core in lutkovnega gledališča Nebo ter deluje na polju umetnosti od sredine 80. let. Svoja dela redno razstavlja doma in v tujini, tako na skupinskih, kot solo razstavah, udeležuje pa se tudi številnih umetniških festivalov po svetu.
Maruša Štibelj je umetniška vodja festivala KAOS. Diplomirala je iz likovne pedagogike na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Svoje kolaže razstavlja na samostojnih in skupinskih razstavah v Sloveniji in tujini. V letu 2018 je na Salonu lepih umetnosti v Parizu prejela nagrado žirije za delo »Chronically late«. Pri svojem delu iz drobcev starih zgodb ustvarja nova razmerja, v katerih problematizira najrazličnejša vprašanja odnosov. Nenehno poskuša širiti meje kolaža kot samozadostnega medija in pri tem ohranja originalni spekter barv, ki ga material poseduje. Je članica ZDSLU in Likovnega društva Kranj.
The open call invites all collage artists from around the world to submit their works created in the technique of digital collage, relating to the central theme BENEATH THE SURFACE.
>> Specifications of the call, application form, and more information about the call are available at the LINK <<
Deadline for submission
April 30, 2024
About the exhibition venue
The selected works from the open call will be exhibited in the basement of the Kranj Town Hall, which is one of the finest Renaissance mansions in Slovenia from the 16th and 17th centuries.
Jury for selection of works
Andrej Štular is a multimedia artist active in various fields of visual arts: illustration, comics, video, film, sculpture, painting, puppetry, and photography. He is a member of the Strip Core comic collective and Nebo puppet theater and has been active in the field of art since the mid-80s. He regularly exhibits his works both domestically and abroad, participating in numerous art festivals worldwide.
Maruša Štibelj is the artistic director of the KAOS festival. She graduated in fine arts pedagogy from the Faculty of Education at the University of Ljubljana. She exhibits her collages in solo and group exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad. In 2018, she received the jury award at the Salon of Fine Arts in Paris for her work “Chronically late.” In her work, she creates new relationships from the fragments of old stories, problematizing various relationship issues. She constantly seeks to expand the boundaries of collage as a self-sufficient medium while preserving the original spectrum of colors that the material possesses. She is a member of ZDSLU and the Kranj Fine Arts Society.