KAOS 2024
5th International Festival of Contemporary Collage
31. 5.-10. 8. 2024

Welcome to our city, the city of collage!
The main exhibitions will be accompanied by evening concerts, public interventions, workshops, talks with artists and guided tours.
Locations of festival exhibitions: Layer House, Janez Puhar Gallery – Škrlovec Tower, City Hall basement, Mala galerija Gallery, Kovačnica atrium, La Ciotat Park, Pungert Tower, Mergentaler Street Gallery, On Spot Gallery
// Friday, May 31 2024 //
18.00: Guided tour of festival exhibitions / start Layer House
19.30: KAOS 2024, opening of the festival / Layer House
Friday, May 31
18:00 Guided tour of the festival exhibitions with artists and curators: Adrijan Praznik, Iva Tratnik, Danilo Milovanović, Leon Zuodar, Maja Babič Košir, Maria Elisa Quiaro, Maruša Štibelj, Nevena Aleksovski, Oliver Pilić, Saskia Reis / Layer House, Janez Puhar Gallery – Škrlovec Tower, Basement of the City Hall, Pungert Tower, On Spot Gallery, Kovačnica atrium, La Ciotat Park, Mala galerija Gallery
19.30 KAOS 2024, official opening of the festival/ Layer House
20.00 KAOS vibes: RAKETA / Layer House
Saturday, June 1
10.00 NEBO Puppet Theater: Abežeda, a show for children, 3+ / Layer House
11.00 Art in a Box, guided tour of the exhibition with curator Maria Elisa Quiaro / Layer House
17.00 Collage illustration, lecture and workshop with Eva Mlinar, 14+ [KAOS_ face it] / Layer House
Sunday, June 2
18.00 Animated collage 1, workshop with Domen Dimovski, 14+ [KAOS_ face it] / Layer House
Saturday, June 8
11.00 Guided tour of festival exhibitions / start Layer House
17.00 Book collages, workshop with Slađana Matič Trstenjak [KAOS_ faceit] / Fragmenti
19.00 Artist Talk: Nevena Aleksovski, Maja Babič Košir, Iva Tratnik / Layer House
20.30 If Paradise Is As Half As Nice #8, screening of the documentary film, 56′ / Layer House
Sunday, June 9
18.00 Animated collage 2, workshop with Domen Dimovski, 14+ [KAOS_ face it]
Friday, June 21
21.00 KAOS x KRAFFT vibes: Leon Z. Slabe, Matic Mikola, Rok Zalokar, Miha Kraker, Nils Rošker, musical evening (jazz-hop, chill out, groove) / Layer House
Friday, June 28
17.00 Collage and woodcut, workshop with Oliver Pilić [KAOS_ face it] / Kovačnica atrium
Saturday, June 29
11.00 Guided tour with curator Maruša Štibelj / all exhibition spaces
18.00 Artist Talk with Rebeka Elizegi: Collage Therapy / zoom
18.00 Beneath the surface, collage workshop from natural materials with Jasmina Ferček [KAOS_ face it] / Kokra river canyon, meeting point: Layer House
Saturday, July 6
21.00 KAOS vibes: Počeni škafi, concert / Layer House
Friday, July 12
17.00 Street art workshop with Petja Kolenko and opening of the exhibition [KAOS_ face it] / Mergentaler Street Gallery
Friday, July 26
17.00 Guided tour of festival exhibitions / start Layer House (apply at art@layer.si)
20.00 KAOS x KRANFEST vibes – DJ Bane / Layer House
Saturday, July 27
20.00 KAOS x KRANFEST vibes – RecycleMan / Layer House
Thursday, August 8
17.00 Guided tour of festival exhibitions / start Layer House (apply at art@layer.si)
Saturday, August 10 [end of the festival]
17.00 Responses beneath the surface – workshop with Jasmina Ferček / meeting point: Layer House
19.00 Artist walk: DNLM (SI), Leon Zuodar (SI), Petja Kolenko (SI), CutOut Kyiv (UA), Sakia Reis (DE) / start Layer House
21.00 KAOS vibes – KiKi, concert
Guided tours of the festival exhibitions for school groups are possible from June 3 to June 21 2024, price EUR 1.0 per person, inquiry: info@layer.si.
For guidance for closed groups (up to 15 people, in Slovenian and English, price 3 EUR per person), send an inquiry to: info@layer.si.
*The programme is constantly updated.
**The organizer reserves the right to change the programme.