Demetrio Di Grado (IT)

“Born in Palermo in Italy in 1976, self-taught and founder of the #ManSourcing project: a synergy with artists that I have involved in street art and festival projects. In 2016 I revolutionized my way of making art by starting to cut and glue every day, exploring new cutting and interlocking techniques, which over time allowed me to build that stylistic figure for which I am recognized today. In 2016 I revolutionized my way of making art by starting to cut and glue every day, exploring new cutting and interlocking techniques, which over time allowed me to build that stylistic figure for which I am recognized today. The images, which I draw from magazines published between the 30s and 60s, in my projects remain intact in their identity but re-contextualized in a process of semantic updating closer to the present day. In my works the figure is always at the center, a message, a provocation, a reflection on their eyes. Eyes that speak. My signature.”

Začnite znova od konca / Ricominciare dalla Fine (2020)
Demetrio Di Grado (IT)
Analogni kolaž na platnu / Analog collage on canvas
40 x 30 cm