Kaj sveži, prav osvežujoči sladki banana hot-dogi bodo na voljo kot spremljevalni kulinarični dogodek razstave ”Zbiraš nalepke od banan?” Jerneja Kejžarja. Zbiratelj okoli 1400 nalepk od banan je na ogled postavil svoj hobi v galeriji Mahlerca. Za obliznit prste!
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Surprise your taste buds and try one of the freshly banana hot dog made especially for you.
In accordance with the exhibition ‘Zbiraš nalepke od banan?’, some Banana hot-dog will be on sale in Layer House. Jernej Kejžar collected 1400 stickers since 2009, his passion for banana stickers will be the fruit of the exhibition in Layer House. What a funny way to make this exhibition more alive than enjoying a banana hot-dog while discovering Jernej Kejžar’s passion.