Textile Art Biennial
Kranj, Radovljica, Škofja Loka
26. 5.–14. 8. 2021
Between 26 May and 14 August 2021 the BIEN Textile Art Biennial will present more than 40 exhibition projects, a series of art residencies and an online program. BIEN draws from the heritage of the industry and the identity of the space. It focuses on textiles, sustainable materials and principles, promotes interdisciplinary artistic connections and pays special attention to the best works of current student production.
Exhibition projects and installations will be on display in established gallery spaces in Gorenjska, such as the Layer House, the Škrlovec Tower and the Gorenjska Museum in Kranj, the Šivčeva House in Radovljica and the Škofja Loka Museum, as well as in public space. The main exhibition venue of the biennial will be the empty space of the former covered garage on the third floor of the Kranj Globus, work of architect Edvard Ravnikar.
Producent / Producer: Zavod Carnica
Koproducenti in partnerji / Co-producers and partners: Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za dizajn Univerze na Primorskem, Kèlekè Shop, Gorenjski muzej, Loški muzej Škofja Loka, Muzeji radovljiške občine, Prešernovo gledališča Kranj, Mestna knjižnica Kranj, Visit Kranj, Metalka zastopstva holding, Tekstilno tehnološki fakultet Zagreb, TAM-TAM Inštitut, AqufilSLO, Svetlobna gverila, Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine, enota Kranj, Župnišče Kranj, Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije, Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, BOWB – Biennale of Western Balkans
Projekt sofinancira / The project is co-financed by: Mestna občina Kranj