Delavnica okraševanja cupcake-ov / Baking ws – Yummy Sappy

petek, 1. 09. 2017
Layerjeva hiša

Delavnica okraševanja cupcake-ov

Naj bo vaša ustvarjalnost izražena gurmansko. Nič ni bolj prijetnega kot okraševanje svojih cupcake-ov in po vsem prizadevanju si gotovo zaslužite, da jih okusite. Poiščite nov način, kako biti umetnik, kjer je vaš čopič hrana.

Mentorica Sara Hostnik bo z vami delila svojo strast do peke in umetnosti ter vam dala nasvete, kako se prepustite navdihu. Priložnost za mešanje vaše ustvarjalnosti in gurmanske strasti skozi umetniško dejavnost.


Udeležba je brezplačna, prijavite se na

min. 4 in max.12 udeležencev od 8. leta starosti naprej


Udeležba je brezplačna, prijavite se na

min. 4 in max.12 udeležencev od 8. leta starosti naprej


This is happening, the 1st of September, a workshop dedicated to Cupcakes decoration. Let your creativity be expressed in a gourmet way. There is nothing more enjoyable than decorate your cupcakes, and after all this efforts, you surely deserve to taste them out. Find out a new way to be an artist where food is your tool.

Sara Hostnik will share her baking passion with you and will be able to give you advices to let your inspiration out to decorate your cupcakes. This is the opportunity to mix your creativity and your gourmet passion through an artistic activity with friendly people during the workshop.

The participation is all free, please register yourself on

Participation admission : 12 participants from 8 years old.

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