Mateja Rusak, Tihana Karlović

Female Correspondence / Žensko dopisovanje

petek, 11. 03. 2022
Galerija Mahlerca
Galerija Mahlerca
11. 3.–2. 4. 2022
Odprtje razstave: petek, 11. 3., ob 18h.
Umetniški projekt Female Correspondence / Žensko dopisovanje se ukvarja s problemom komunikacije v obliki umetniške korespondence. Komunikacija poteka na ravni ženskih “pogovorov”, osebnih in intimnih, ideoloških in umetniških. Sodobna tehnologija je pripeljala do sprememb v načinu komunikacije, kar je povzročilo površno izmenjavo in sprejemanje informacij. S tem projektom avtorice želijo doseči umetniško komunikacijo, ki deluje preko njihovih umetniških del - grafik. Avtorice se dotikajo različnih tem na različne načine, vsem pa je skupno, da opozarjajo na problem ženske literature.
Biti umetnik ali umetnica zahteva čas, prostor, razumevanje. Poraja se vprašanje, kako v sodobnem času biti umetnica, hkrati pa tudi žena, mati, saj je neenakopravnost med spoloma še vedno prisotna. Projekt je nastal iz potrebe po ustvarjanju, potrebe po izmenjavi misli in idej ter ljubezni do spodbujanja ustvarjalne energije, medsebojne podpore in povezovanja. V literaturi se izraz žensko pisanje uporablja v kontekstu pisanja o idejah feminizma. Začetki ženske literature segajo v začetek 20. stoletja, v pariške salone, a takratna literarna dela ženskih avtoric so bila namenjena predvsem ženskam. S tem projektom se ženska komunikacija dotika vsakogar, saj tiskani mediji, v nasprotju z družabnimi omrežji, še vedno omogočajo nevsiljivo širjenje informacij.
Čeprav je format razglednice - grafike majhen, ne zmanjšuje pomena dela, niti tehnike, v kateri je ustvarjeno. Teme grafik so povezane z osebnimi izkušnjami in mislimi, ki se nenehno spreminjajo in dopolnjujejo. Poleg samega dela je na vsaki grafiki prisoten tudi dejavnik pričakovanja in nestrpnosti pri pošiljanju ter prejemanju pisem drugih umetnic. V nasprotju z današnjimi instant časi, je pristop h grafiki zapleten in večplasten. Dolg proces ustvarjanja grafike, razmišljanja o sporočilu, materialu in tisku, je proces, ki umetnike izpolnjuje. Grafika je tradicionalen medij, s katerim avtorice skušajo doseči globljo komunikacijo s tem, da nakazujejo na čas, potreben za razmislek in proces, v katerem nastaja sporočilo oziroma grafika.
Idejni pobudnici projekta sta mag. lik. ped. Mateja Rusak (profesorica grafičnih tehnik na Srednji strokovni šoli Varaždin)  in mag. lik. ped. Tihana Karlović (samostojna umetnica), ki sta projekt zagnali leta 2019, doslej je pri njem sodelovalo 19 umetnic iz Hrvaške, Poljske, Slovenije, ZDA in Španije: Anna Trojanowska, Raquel Amat, Ana Salopek, Kristina Pongrac, Dora Bakek, Raluca Iancu, Iva Gobić, Gloria Sellan, Maja S. Franković, Svetlana Jakimovska Rodić, Irena Kečkeš, Maja Zemunik, Carmen Bačura Potočić, Monika Jurić, Jasna Šikanja, Karen Kunc in Yoshimi Teh Soo Mei.
Art project Female Correspondence deals with the problem of communication in the form of artistic correspondence. Communication takes place at the level of women’s “conversations”, personal and intimate, ideological and artistic. Modern technology has led to changes in the way we communicate, leading to superficial exchange and reception of information. With this project, the authors want to achieve artistic communication that works through their works of art – graphics. The authors touch different topics in different ways, but all have in common that they draw attention to the problem of women’s literature.
Being an artist requires time, space and understanding. The question arises how to be an artist in modern times, as well as wife and a mother, as gender inequality is still present. The project arose from the need to create and to exchange thoughts and ideas, and from the love of fostering creative energy, mutual support and connection. In the literature, the term women’s writing is used in the context of writing about the ideas of feminism. The beginnings of women’s literature date back to the beginning of the 20th century, to Parisian salons, but the literary works of women authors at the time were intended primarily for women. With this project, women’s communication touches everyone, as the printed media, unlike social networks, still allows unobtrusive dissemination of information.
Although the format of the postcard – graphic is small, it does not diminish the importance of the work, nor the technique in which it is created. The themes of graphics are related to personal experiences and thoughts that are constantly changing and supplementing. In addition to the work itself, there is also a factor of anticipation and impatience in each graphic when sending and receiving letters from other artists. In contrast to today’s instant times, the approach to graphics is complex and multifaceted. The long process of creating graphics, thinking about message, material and print is a process that satisfies artists. Graphics is a traditional medium with which the authors try to achieve deeper communication by pointing to the time needed for reflection and the process in which the message or graphics are created.
The initiators of the project are Mateja Rusak (professor of graphic techniques at the Secondary School in Varaždin) and Tihana Karlović (independent artist), who launched the project in 2019. In the project so far participated 19 artists from Croatia, Poland, Slovenia, USA and Spain: Anna Trojanowska, Raquel Amat, Ana Salopek, Kristina Pongrac, Dora Bakek, Raluca Iancu, Iva Gobić, Gloria Sellan, Maja S. Franković, Svetlana Jakimovska Rodić, Irena Kečkeš, Maja Zemunik, Carmen Bačura Potočić, Monika Jurić, Jasna Šikanja, Karen Kunc and Yoshimi Teh Soo Mei.
Galerija Stolpa Škrlovec je odprta:
TOR-PET 11-19
SOB 11-13
Gallery of Škrlovec Tower is open:
TUE-FRI 11-19
SAT 11-13

prijava na layer obvestila

prijava na medijska obvestila