Layerjeva hiša / Layer House, Kranj
9. 7.-9. 8. 2020
KAOS rezidenčni umetniki / KAOS artists in residence:
Eva Mlinar
Karol Kuhar
Anja Kranjc
KAOS samostojne razstave in postavitve / KAOS individual exhibitions:
Anna Rosa Tomšič Jacobs: Zavest pokrajine / Consciousness of the Land
Anka Kočevar: Ilustracije dreves / Illustrations of Trees
Lucija Rosc: Igre / Games (kuratorica / curator: Hana Čeferin)
Hana Černivec: Smeti / Litter
William Blomstedt: Kartice za novo karanteno / Postcards For the Next Quarantine
Prostorska instalacija / Art installation in space:
Lara Papov: When You See Me Again It Won't Be Me / Ko me spet vidite, ne bom več jaz
& Izbrani umetniki odprtega poziva / Artists of the open call "About Tomorrow": tba
Collagistas Festival/2019/Brussels:
Alan Murphy, Aline Helmcke, Anastasia Glas, Christian Gastaldi, Claudio Beorchia, Jens Wortmann, Jorge Chamorro, Lida Driva, Rhed Fawell, Silvia Beltrami, Stéphanie Herremans, Steve Tierney
Selekcija kolažev odprtega poziva / The selection of collages of open call "Drowning Culture":
Kai Holland & Taher Jaoui, Anna Sandalaki, Clive Knights, Filipa Valenčić, Jorge Chamorro, Josipa Tadić, Kosmo_nauty, Olga Casanova, Martin Došek, Yar Kirsanov, Tamara Ablameiko, Rocio Romero, Martina Charaf, Jordan Wood
Kuratorici / Curators:
Maruša Štibelj, Zala Orel
Lokacije / Locations:
Layerjeva hiša, Stolp Škrlovec, Malherca, Medprostor, Galerija Na mestu, Mergentalerjeva galerija Layerjeve hiše in Inštituta TAM-TAM, Češnjev vrt, zid pred Mestno knjižnico Kranj
O / About:
Letošnji mednarodni festival sodobnega kolaža KAOS se v Kranju odvija med 9. julijem in 9. avgustom. Znašli smo se v situaciji, ko smo seznanjeni zgolj z realnostjo današnjega dne, jutrišnja se lahko v hipu spremeni. Prav zato letos poleti predstavljamo predvsem domačo ustvarjalnost kolaža, asemblaža in mešane tehnike. Posebna presenečenja v javnem prostoru pripravljajo umetniki Eva Mlinar, Anja Kranjc in Karol Kuhar. V prostorih Layerjeve hiše in Medprostora se predstavljajo Anna Rosa Tomšič Jacobs, Anka Kočevar, Lucija Rosc, Hana Černivec in William Blomstedt, s festivalom Collagistas pa sodelujemo z razstavo izbranih kolažev lanske izvedbe Collagistas/2019/Brussels: Universal Language. V Stolpu Škrlovec instalacijo fotografskega kolaža pripravlja Lara Papov, ki je v prostorskem dialogu povezan s kolaži mednarodnega odprtega poziva About Tomorrow. V Galeriji Na mestu na ogled postavljamo izbrana dela med samoizolacijo odprtega poziva Drowning Culture.
Ko razmišljamo o jutri, medtem ko smo soočeni z utapljajočo kulturo in degradacijo naravnega okolja, lahko v kolažu najdemo univerzalni jezik. Na kose prelomljen svet, razklane realnosti in premisleki nekega časa, pripoveduje nove zgodbe z novimi pomeni. Iz včeraj na jutri, iz preteklosti v prihodnost, iz generacije v generacijo, so konstanta vedno le spremembe. Globalne, skupne, in intimne, samo naše. Likovna govorica umetnikov na razstavi je raznolika in se zaveda številnih možnosti, ki jih ponuja tehnika kolaža.
This year's international festival of contemporary collage KAOS takes place in Kranj between 9th July and 9th August. We find ourselves in a situation where we are only acquainted with the reality of today as tomorrow can change in an instant. That is why this summer we are mainly presenting the domestic collage art. Special surprises in public space are prepared by artists Eva Mlinar, Anja Kranjc and Karol Kuhar. Anna Rosa Tomšič Jacobs, Anka Kočevar, Lucija Rosc, Hana Černivec and William Blomstedt who will present themselves at the Layer House and Medprostor. We are collaborating with the Collagistas festival with an exhibition of selected collages performed by last year's festival edition - Collagistas/2019/Brussels: Universal Language. In the Škrlovec Tower, the installation of a photographic collage is being prepared by Lara Papov, who is connected in a spatial dialogue with the collages of the international open call About Tomorrow. In the Na mestu Gallery we will exhibit selected works from the open call Drowning Culture made during the Covid lockdown.
When we think about tomorrow, while faced with a drowning culture and the degradation of the natural environment, we can find a universal language in collage. A world broken into pieces, shattered realities and reflections of a time, tells new stories with new meanings. From yesterday to tomorrow, from the past to the future, from generation to generation, the only constant in life is change. Global, common, and intimate, ours only. The visual language of the artists in the exhibition is diverse and is aware of the many possibilities offered by the collage technique
Produkcija / Production: Zavod Carnica
Koprodukcija / Co-production: Inštitut TAM-TAM, Prešernovo gledališče Kranj
Sofinancira / Co-financed by: Mestna občina Kranj