ponedeljek, 14. 02. 2022
Layerjeva hiša

Mednarodni festival sodobnega kolaža

Layerjeva hiša in kulturna četrt Kranja

KAOS razpisuje odprt poziv za vse ustvarjalce_ke digitalnih in zvočnih kolažev!
Letošnja 4. edicija mednarodnega festivala sodobnega kolaža KAOS se bo v Kranju odvila med 10. junijem in 13. avgustom z osrednjo razstavo, umetniškimi rezidencami, murali, delavnicami, pogovori z umetniki in večernimi koncerti. Razstavni program bo ponudil aktualno umetniško produkcijo na področju kolaža, na ogled bodo dela povabljenih umetnikov in umetnic ter izbranih na odprtem pozivu.
Osrednja tema letošnjega festivala sodobnega kolaža KAOS je Tišina v kaosu. V času, ko so svet zaradi epidemioloških razmer zajeli negotovost, anksioznost, zmeda, strah, odsotnost bližine in svobode, nemir, teža pričakovanja in pomanjkanje zaupanja, se poraja vprašanje, kako zopet vzpostaviti ravnovesje in najti novo normalnost. Če je tišina tista, ki nam včasih pomaga k uvidu stvari, je lahko drugič spet moteča, ker jo je preveč. Smo si v svetovnem kaosu ustvarili vsak svoj mehurček, v katerem pretežno molčimo? Ali je tišina v kaosu edini način, da zdržimo nevzdržno stanje obupa in melanholije? KAOS se letos sprašuje o pomenu tišine, raziskuje razmerje med tišino in zvokom ter zvokom oziroma tišino in vizualnim. Odkriva tišino v kolažu in jo postavlja pod vprašaj. Z zvočnimi in digitalnimi kolaži išče odgovore in kriči.
Vabimo vas, da nam pošljete zvočne in digitalne kolaže, v katerih boste kar najbolje ponazorili Tišino v kaosu. Prijavljeno delo je lahko vizualni ali/in zvočni kolaž.
Tema: Tišina v kaosu
Format: Digitalni kolaž
Dimenzija: 50 x 70 cm oz. 70 x 50 cm
Število: max. 1
Rok za oddajo del: 5. 5. 2022
Prijavnica: povezava
Tema: Tišina v kaosu
Format: Zvočni kolaž, datoteka mp4
Število: max. 1
Rok za oddajo del: 5. 5. 2022
Prijavnica: povezava
Žirija bo med vsemi prispelimi deli izbrala 22 avtorskih del, ki bodo v obliki natisnjenih digitalnih kolažev in zvočnih kolažev razstavljena v okviru skupinske razstave v Layerjevi hiši in ulični galeriji Na mestu. Umetniki in umetnice bodo o izboru del obveščeni do konca maja 2022.
Veselimo se sodelovanja z vami ♥
Eva Mlinar (Slovenija) je končala študij umetnostne zgodovine ter študij vizualnih komunikacij na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani. Deluje na različnih področjih vizualne umetnosti od knjižne ilustracije, slikarstva, muralov do gledališča. Svoje ilustracije je prispevala za številne knjige in revije ter se predstavila na mnogih razstavah doma in v tujini. V svojem delu najraje raziskuje ikonografijo in zgodovino idej, v ilustracijo pa pogosto vnaša elemente kolaža.
Bill Noir (Francija) se je rodil v mestu Tours v Franciji leta 1981. Po končanem študiji vizualne umetnosti na prelomu tisočletja ga je njegov interes za ustvarjanje vodil vse od pinhole fotografije (camera obscura), eksperimentalnega super-8 filma, prek sitotiska do družinske fotografije. Od leta 2008 se osredotoča predvsem na kolaž.
Christopher Kurts (ZDA) je pripovedovalec zgodb, umetnik in koordinator Inštituta Kolaj. Njegovo umetniško delo je bilo pred kratkim predstavljeno na razstavi “Empty Columns are a Place to Dream” na Irskem avgusta lani. Januarja je izšla knjiga o istem projektu in razstava je odpotovala v Muzej umetnosti v Knoxvillu. Kurts je tudi vodja skupnosti umetnikov, ki delujejo pod imenom The Mystic Krewe of Scissors and Glue.

International festival of contemporary collage

Layer house and Art district Kranj / Slovenia
10. 6. – 13. 8. 2022

KAOS is announcing an open call for all collage and sound collage artists!
This year’s 4th edition of KAOS International Festival of Contemporary Collage will take place in Kranj between 10 June and 13 August with a central exhibition, art residencies, murals, workshops, artist talks and evening concerts. The exhibition program will offer current artistic production in the field of collage of invited artists and of those, selected in an open call.
The central theme of this year’s KAOS Festival of Contemporary Collage is Silence in Chaos. At a time when the world is gripped by uncertainty, anxiety, confusion, fear, lack of closeness and freedom, unrest, the weight of anticipation and a lack of trust, epidemic situations are emerging on how to rebalance and find new normality. If silence is the one that sometimes helps us to see things, it can be disturbing on the other hand if there is too much of it. Have we created our own bubble in the world, in which we are mostly silent? Is silence the only way to endure an unbearable state of despair and melancholy? This year, KAOS is questioning the meaning of silence, exploring the relationship between silence and sound and sound or silence and the visual. It discovers the silence in the collage and questions it. It searches for answers and shouts with sound and digital collages.
We invite you to send us collages in which you will best represent Silence in Chaos.
Applied works can be digital collages or/and sound collages.
Topic: Silence in Chaos
Format: Digital collage
Number: max. 1
Dimension: 50 x 70 cm or 70 x 50 cm
Resolution: 300 dpi
Deadline for submission of artworks: May 5 2022 inclusive
Application form: hyperlink
Topic: Silence in Chaos
Format: Sound collage, mp4 file
Number: max. 1
Deadline for submission of artworks: May 5 2022 inclusive
Application form: hyperlink
The jury will select 22 works from all the submitted works, which will be exhibited in the form of printed digital collages and sound collages as part of a group exhibition at Layer House, Kranj, Slovenia and at street gallery Na mestu. Artists will be informed about the selection of works by the end of May 2022.
We look forward to working with you ♥
Christopher Kurts (USA) is a storyteller, artist, and the Coordinator for Kolaj Institute. His artwork recently appeared in the exhibition, “Empty Columns are a Place to Dream” in Ireland in August. In January 2022, a book was published about the project and the exhibition traveled to the Knoxville Museum of Art. Kurts is also the lead organizer for The Mystic Krewe of Scissors and Glue, a group of creatives who meet monthly to collage, converse and foster community.
Eva Mlinar (Slovenia) finished her studies in art history and visual communications at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. She works in various fields of visual art from book illustration, painting, murals to theater. She has contributed her illustrations to numerous books and magazines and presented herself at many exhibitions at home and abroad. In her work, she prefers to research iconography and the history of ideas, and often introduces elements of collage into her illustration.
Bill Noir (France), a nickname and pun (or word game), hides an image enthusiast born in 1981 in Tours, France. After studying at Epinal’s image school in the early 2000s, his interest in creation led him to pinhole photography (camera obscura), experimental super-8 film, silkscreen printing, the collection of vernacular images (family photos) and since 2008, his focus has been mainly on collage. The edition, practiced alone under the name of “Mékanik copulaire”, opens towards small publications (about thirty to date) which gather and show other collagists, his collections of found photos, but also the diffusion of his own work through dedicated salons, bookstores, and online networks.

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