V Kranju, mestu ljubiteljev kolesarjenja, kolesarjem namenjamo posebno mesto. V Layerjevi hiši boste lahko našli kolesarsko zavetje, ki ga pripravljajo naši prostovoljci na taboru Art District. Tu boste lahko popravili svoje kolo, to kolesarsko zavetje pa bo plod skupnega dela ljudi, ki prihajajo iz vse Evrope. Navdihnilo ga bo večkulturno poreklo, primerno kranjskemu duhu in okolju.
Če želite sodelovati, da bi zgradili kolesarsko skupnost in delili svoje znanje, vas bomo z veseljem šteli v skupini kolesarjev. Obrnite se na rezervacije@layer.si
Kranj, as a city of cycle-lovers, a special spot would be dedicated for their passion. Indeed, in the Layer House, you will be able to find out a bike shelter elaborated and made by our volunteers during the Art District camp. This place would give you the opportunity either to fix up your bike nor to gather with your friend between two roads cycled. This bike shelter will be the fruit of a collaborative work from people who come from all around Europe. Therefore, it will be inspired by multicultural origins soaked by Kranj’s spirit and environments. If you would like to be involved in order to build the biker-community and share your knowledge, we will be more than pleased to count you in the cycle community, please contact josephinepierrel@avenirenheritage.com