Maria Juliana Byck

Maria Juliana Byck: Tekstilne zgodbe [BIEN 2021]

četrtek, 5. 08. 2021
| 18:00
Galerija Mahlerca
Odprtje razstave: četrtek, 5. avgusta ob 18h. 
Umetnica Maria Juliana Byck, ki raziskuje različne družabne prakse, je v sklopu bienala BIEN 2021 več kot tri tedne odkrivala osebne in kolektivne, kulturne in čustvene spomine na tekstilno dediščino v Kranju. Ostanki blaga iz kranjskih tovarn so dokaz naprednega znanja ter medgeneracijske modrosti in nosijo zapleteno mrežo zgodovine, materialov, proizvodnih tehnik, pozabljajočih vrednot in (ne)izpolnjenih želja. Vsak tekstil vsebuje zgodbo, ki je pogosto spregledana ali banalizirana, a sledi gibanj, inovativnosti, sanj in pogledov ostanejo na njem za vedno. Tkanine so sredstvo za razumevanje našega življenja, so materiali, ki se dotikajo naših teles in prebivajo v naših domovih. So intimne, osebne in vsakdanje, hkrati pa so javne, skupne, globalne.
Interaktivna instalacija je rezultat ljudi iz Kranja in okolice, ki so v svojem življenju ustvarjali ali bili del zgodb o tekstilu. Kranj je bil eno najpomembnejših središč tekstilne proizvodnje v nekdanji Jugoslaviji, a od te zgodovine ni ostalo praktično nič. Ta postavitev ponuja priložnost, da kot skupnost razmislimo o tem, kako so se stvari spremenile in ovrednotimo kranjske tekstilne zgodbe.
Vsi imamo v sebi zgodbe, ki smo jih živeli od znotraj navzven. Naše izkušnje postavljamo v nek pomenski vrstni red. Spomine organiziramo v zgodbe. Umetniška razstava je nabor zgodb in vabi, da jo delimo in tako rastemo. Če ne bomo cenili, zbirali in ohranjali teh spominov, bodo za vedno izginili. Naše zgodbe in zgodbe ljudi okoli nas so edinstveno, dragoceno bogastvo.
Naj se zgodbe ne končajo. Vabljeni, da dodate svoje pripovedi, vprašanja, ideje, spomine in sanje.
Najlepša hvala vsem, ki ste sodelovali pri ustvarjanju tega projekta, še posebej:
Anja Podreka, Lidija Tolič, Matevž Oman, Hilda Oman, Marička Rakovec, Marija Govednik, Boris Pertot, Bojan Šibenik, Chiara Bonfiglioli, Tina Pavlin, Tjaša Bavcon, Nina Arnuš
Gorenjski muzej: Mateja Likozar, Tjaša Šoštarič, Tatjana Dolžan Eržen
Artemis Papageorgiou in ekipa na bienalu zahodnega Balkana
Neža Mlakar, Miha Marenčič, Zala Orel (BIEN 2021)
Maria Juliana Byck je umetnica, raziskovalka družbenih praks iz Kalifornije, ki živi in dela v Atenah v Grčiji.
Over three weeks social practice artist Maria Juliana Byck investigated the embedded social, cultural and emotional implications of textiles in Kranj. Holding a wealth of intergenerational wisdom, textiles contain a complex network of history, materials, production techniques, fluctuating values, and undulating desires. Each textile contains a story, which is often forgotten or trivialized, yet carries traces of movement, innovation, dreams and exchange. Textiles are a means of understanding the politicization, commodification and globalization of our lives, carried on our bodies and residing in our homes, while intimate, personal and every day, they are simultaneously intrinsically public and communal.
This interactive installation is the result of people from Kranj and the surrounding region sharing the stories of textiles in their lives. Kranj was one of the most important centers of textile manufacturing in the former Yugoslavia. Yet now little remains of this history. This installation offers the chance to reflect on how things have changed and explore the implications of Kranj’s textile stories.
We all have stories to tell, stories we have lived from the inside out. We give our experiences an order. We organize the memories of our lives into patterns to make meaning. The installation is a collection of stories to be shared and expanded upon. Your stories and the stories of the people around you are unique, valuable treasures.
The stories do not end. You are invited to add your stories, questions, ideas, memories and dreams.
Many thanks to all who participated in creating this project, especially:
Anja Podreka, Lidija Tolič, Matevž Oman, Hilda Oman, Marička Rakovec, Marija Govednik, Boris Pertot, Bojan Šibenik, Chiara Bonfiglioli, Tina Pavlin, Tjaša Bavcon, Nina Arnuš
Gorenjska Museum: Mateja Likozar, Tjaša Šoštarič, Tatjana Dolžan Eržen
Artemis Papageorgiou and the team at Biennale of the Western Balkans
Neža Mlakar, Miha Marenčič, Zala Orel (BIEN 2021)
Maria Juliana Byck is a social practice artist originally from California, now based in Athens Greece.

With the help of Biennial of Western Balkans.

The art residency is supported by the European Commission’s I-portunus programme.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained.

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