Monoprinting Zine: delavnica ročnega tiskanja zinov

sobota, 21. 08. 2021
| 17:00
Layerjeva hiša
Naučite se eksperimentirati s črnilom med opazovanjem okolice. Uporabite tehniko ročnega tiska ter izdelajte abstraktno in figurativno upodobitev manipulacije realnosti.
Tehnika ročnega tiska je eksperimentalna umetniška tehnika, ki vam odpre nešteto možnosti za upodabljanje lastnih predstav okolice. Z uporabo črnil in predmetov iz narave se bomo skupaj naučili, kako ustvariti nove vzorce in edinstvene odtise.
Delavnica je brezplačna.
Število mest je omejeno na max 8 oseb.
Program celotnega festivala FLORAISON, festivala zinov, si lahko ogledate tule
Dogodek bomo izvedli po trenutno veljavnih navodilih NIJZ.
___ ENG ___
Monoprinting Zine
Location: Layer House
Teach yourself how to experiment with ink by observing and manipulating your immediate environment and make abstract and figurative unique printing with nature morte.
Monoprinting is an experimental technique that unlocks multiple ways of representation. With the use of inks and objects from nature and technology, we test and create patterns to make unique prints of abstraction.
The workshop is free.
The number of places is limited to a maximum of 8 people.
To be part of the festival you need to show certificate according to the currently valid requirements of the National institute of Public Health of Slovenia – vaccinated, tested or recovered from Covid-19.

prijava na layer obvestila

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