Moderatorka: Petra Puhar Kejžar
*V sklopu kandidature Kranja z Gorenjsko za naziv Evropske prestolnice kulture 2025
Posvet z vabljenimi gosti s področja fotografske dejavnosti in zainteresirane javnosti o skupnem razvojnem projektu »Fotografski festival Kranj«, s katerim želimo povezati vse akterje, vsa polja fotografije in vse ideje z ambicioznim ciljem – Kranj, Evropska prestolnica kulture 2025. Kranj je rojstno mesto Janeza Puharja, prvega slovenskega fotografa in izumitelja fotografije na steklo, kar bi bila lahko najbolj fascinantna mednarodna zgodba tega mesta, saj je Puhar s svojim izumom, s priznanjem v Parizu, z odmevi v tedanjem tisku po svetu in na treh svetovnih razstavah človeške ustvarjalnosti dosegel več kot katerikoli Kranjčan doslej. Fotografska dejavnost v našem mestu je vse odtlej živahna in razširjena, fotografija sama pa je postala nepogrešljivo sredstvo komunikacije v sodobnem svetu. Razlogov za velik festival je torej več kot dovolj. Vabljeni vsi, ki želite prispevati k projektu, s katerim bomo Kranj v slovensko zavest umestili kot glavno mesto fotografije.
Več o festivalu Svetlopisani dnevi:
++++++++++ EN
HYALOTYPICAL DAYS | Festival of Photography
Public Debate: Kranj, Pioneer City of Photography
Škrlovec Tower
Wednesday, November 13th 4pm
Moderator: Petra Puhar Kejžar
*As part of Kranj with Upper Carniola region’ candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture 2025
Public Debate with invited guests from the world of photography and interested public about common development project “Kranj Photo Festival”, with which we want to connect all people involved, all fields of photography and all ideas with ambicious point – Kranj, European Capital of Culture 2025.
Kranj is a birthplace of Janez Puhar, first Slovenian photographer and inventor of photography on glass, which could be the most fascinated international story of this city, because Puhar has achived much more than any other local with his invention, with award from Paris, with world press attention and with 3 international exhibitions of human creativity. Photo community since then it’s very vibrant and numerous and photography has become an indispensable means of communication. So there is more than enough reasons for a big festival. Welcome all who want to contribute to the project of positioning Kranj in Slovenian mind as a City of Photography.
More about Hyalotypical Days festival: