Svetloba, sence, osvetlitev. To so osnovna načela, ki jih skrbno in ljubeznivo spremlja vsak fotograf. Medtem ko je svetloba ključni element, ki si ga vsi želijo ujeti in zadržati ter ga preobraziti in preliti na fotografijo, obstajajo fotografi, ki bolj uživajo v družbi temne strani fotografije, tiste, ki na sončnem nebu riše senco.
Luigi Spina velja za enega najbolj poznanih evropskih fotografov. Spina je umetnik, ki v svojih delih kot glavni vir svetlobe uporabil senco. Naj se to sliši še tako ironično.
Spina je rojen na sončnem jugu Italije v regiji Santa Maria Capua Vetere blizu Neaplja. Tam se združujeta čudovita narava in starodavna umetnost, njega pa vleče v skrite kotičke, nenavadne kraje in skrivnostne sobe, ki porajajo nešteto vprašanj in zelo malo odgovorov. Od gigantske fotografske študije antičnih kipov iz serije Farnese, ki je predstavljena v njegovi zbirateljski knjigi Mythical Diary do zapletene študije o preciznosti in naključnosti, predstavljene v seriji Buchner Boxes, Spini uspe korak za korakom in brez hitenja ujeti tiho in premikajočo se sliko časa samega.
To je igra senc, igra žalosti in osamljenosti, morda celo igra trmoglavosti.
Pri njegovem delu želja po iskanju znanega in bistvenega ni nikoli izražena. Namesto tega se Spina zadovolji z iskanjem normalnega, brezimenskega, nominalnega. Z umom arheologa in očesom inženirja v objektiv ujame tisto, kar so drugi pozabili ali se odločili ignorirati.
Zadnji del vratu, mišica v nogi, ki se obrača, roka, ki popravlja neurejene lase, stopalo, pripravljeno na tek. Če Caravaggijevo delo Martyrdom of Saint Mathew predstavlja stoletja pred pojavom fotografije prelom v slikanju svetlobe, potem je Spina verjetno odkril točen trenutek presenečenja in dvoma, predaje in spokojnosti.
Kipi so lahko pokončni in trdno stojijo, ampak naj vas ne preslepijo, so vse, samo standardni ne.
- João Vilela Geraldo
Kuratorja: João Vilela Geraldo in Zala Orel.
Produkcija: Layerjeva hiša, Prešernovo gledališče Kranj
Več o festivalu Svetlopisani dnevi:
© Luigi Spina – MANN (Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli), Musei Capitolini Centrale Montemartini Roma
++++++++++ EN
HYALOTYPICAL DAYS | Festival of photography
Prešeren Theatre
6. 11. – 30. 11.
Opening: Wednesday November 6th 7.30pm
Luigi Spina
Lights, shadows, flashes, the basic principles every photographer holds precious and dear. But while light is the key element which most try to capture and hold, transform and transfer into print, there are some who prefer the company of the dark side of photography, the one which casts a shadow under sunny skies.
Luigi Spina, one of Europe´s most renowned photographers, is the artist that chose shadow as a guiding light, irony included. Born in the sunny South of Italy in the region of Santa Maria Capua Vetere near Naples, he might have been blessed with surrounding bountiful nature and centuries-old art, but somehow found himself drawn to the hidden spaces and unusual spots, hard angles and secret chambers which hold a myriad of questions, and very few answers.
From his gargantuan study of the Farnese Collection marbles which produced the collectors book Mythical Diary, to his intricate study of precision and randomness of the Buchner Boxes edition, Spina manages to capture in a slow motion, step by step and with no hurry at all method, the silent moving image of time itself.
It´s a game of shadows, a game of sorrow, a game of solitude, even maybe a game of stubborness. But never a game of stars.
There is never a specific need or will to find the famous, the fundamental, the frontline. Instead, Spina seems confortable in finding the normal, the nameless, the nominal. With an archeologist mind but an engineer´s eye, he captures what others lose or ignore. The back of a neck, a muscle in a turning leg, a hand tucking unruly hair, a foot ready for a sprint.
If the Martyrdom of Saint Mathew by Caravaggio was the first flash photography breakthrough, many centuries before you could capture it in print and copy it, then Spina might have re-invented that precise moment of surprise and suspicion, surrender and serendipity.
The statues might be standing still, but don´t be fooled, they´re anything but standard.
Curated by: João Vilela Geraldo and Zala Orel
Production: Layer House and Prešeren Theatre Kranj
More about Hyalotypical Days festival: