Viva la vulva! [delavnica gline: drugi del]

petek, 20. 08. 2021
| 18:30
Flamma Stoneware studio (Jenkova 4, Kranj)
Feministično obarvana delavnica, kjer bomo iz gline izdelali kadila, ki bodo opevala ženstvenost v vsej svoji lepoti!
Vulva kot element v upodabljajoči umetnosti nastopa že od prazgodovine naprej. Dolga obdobja je bila skrita v primežu cenzure. Patriarhat nas je učil, da so ženska spolovila in ženska spolnost tabu. Moška spolovila so bila od nekdaj upodobljena brez večjih zadržkov, medtem ko vulva ostaja za tančico skrivnosti. Poleg tega je v zadnjem desetletju pri mladih ženskah prišlo do velikega zanimanja za uporabo labioplastike. Delavnica izdelave vulve si želi razmisleka o naši napačni predstavi o tem, kakšno bi moralo biti žensko telo, in si obenem želi krepiti predstavo o tem, da so vse “vulve lepe točno takšne, kot so".
"Izvor sveta", kot ga je leta 1866 imenoval Gustave Courbet, ima veliko obrazov, pokažimo jih svetu!
Delavnica je brezplačna.
Število mest je omejeno na max 8 oseb.
Program celotnega festivala FLORAISON, festivala zinov, si lahko ogledate tule
Dogodek bomo izvedli po trenutno veljavnih navodilih NIJZ.
___ ENG ___
Viva la vulva (part one: conception) Thursday, 19. 8., 18:00–20:00
Viva la vulva (part two: painting) Friday, 20. 8., 18:30–19:30
Location: Flamma Stoneware studio (Jenkova 4, Kranj)
A feminist and committed workshop to create incense holder that shows to the world the vulva’s beauty among differences!
The vulva has been depicted in art from prehistory to the contemporary era of the 21st century. Sadly, it has struggled with censorship through decades. The patriarchy has taught us that female genital and female sexuality is a taboo. While penises can be boldly put on display, vulvas need to stay hidden. In the past decade, there has been an enormous increase in labiaplasty amongst young women. Vulva art breaks down our misconceptions of what a woman’s body should look like, and reinforces the notion that “all vulvas are amazing and beautiful just the way they are”.
We invite you to our feminist and committed workshop to create incense holder that shows the vulva’s beauty among differences.
“The origin of the world” as Gustave Courbet called it in 1866, has many faces, let’s show it to the world!
The workshop is free.
The number of places is limited to a maximum of 8 people.
To be part of the festival you need to show certificate according to the currently valid requirements of the National institute of Public Health of Slovenia – vaccinated, tested or recovered from Covid-19.

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