Zelemenjava / Exchange veggies

petek, 1. 09. 2017

Menjajte presežke zelenjave in vaše doma narejene izdelke (marmelade, čaje, omake, ozimnico …). Zelemenjava je krasna priložnost, da spregovorimo tudi o naših receptih in si podelimo nasvete.

Več informacij o Zelemenjavi: http://www.zelemenjava.si

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Let’s begin the upcoming season with an exchange of vegetables. Have the opportunity to fill up your storage room with local products. This gathering will allow you to interchange some fresh homemade food such as marmalade or seasons products like pumpkin as vegetables and even more. It is also the occasion for you to meet new people and exchange some tips for improving your cooking skills, discovering new types of products and recipes. The most important, of course, is to enjoy good time with friendly people.

Friday, 01.09, 5pm – 7pm – Layer House


prijava na layer obvestila

prijava na medijska obvestila