Bagrat Arazyan (AM/SI)

Artist, designer, curator, musician, philosopher. Born in 1958 in Yerevan, Armenia. Lives and works in Slovenia. Since 1994 co-founder of the “Modius” gallery and design-studio in Moscow. Works in the intersection of various media. Works much at the problem of human relationships since early 2000. The internet space is an area of his research into development of the principles, put into the basis of inter-relations (viewed as Art). Further on, in his curatorial projects he pays attention to invisible human relations, formed in the process of work at large-scale projects with a great deal of participants. His work also contains music and text, thus creating a new multi-cultural area. Since 2017 co-founder and curator of Center for Contemporary Art Pivka (Slovenia).

Stvor 6 / Creature 6 (2020)
Bagrat Arazyan (AM/SI)
Digitalni kolaž / Digital collage
80 x 60 cm