Michelle Concetta Parchini (US)

Michelle Concetta Parchini, aka /DRI:M/ARTZ, is an artist from the United States currently based in Saudi Arabia. Prone to escapism from an early age, she finds comfort in the one thing that grounds her to the Real, creating art and shaping her world to fulfill her aesthetic yearnings. Her work touches upon themes of spirituality, magic and conjuring, the exploration of the human psyche, art as therapy, and the surreal. Michelle’s analogue and digital collages as well as her mixed-media photography have been featured in gallery showings, art publications and collectives in the US and internationally.

Vse je zvezdni prah / Everything is stardust (2020)
Michelle Concetta Parchini (US)
Digitalni kolaž analognih izrezkov iz tiskanih medijev / Digital collage of analogue clippings from printed media
21,59 x 25,40 cm