Tomaž Črnej (SI) started his photographic media activities as a self-taught person and soon focused on the field that moves between narrative documentary and art photography. Attention was drawn to the Slovenia Press Photo 2010 award-winning series Mistake, which was presented in 2010 at the Plevnik-Kronkowska Gallery (Celje) and the Celje Center for Contemporary Arts. With the photo series In the Gallery, the year 2016 was presented at the Photonic Moments festival (Janez Boljka Gallery, Ljubljana). He participated in the Celje Focus 2015 festival in Svetlobna Gverila 2016 (Ljubljana) with the light installation Doneski k slovanski mitologiji. The author is interested in socially engaged and participatory projects (Kajuhova, Celje, 2011 and 2012). With his solo exhibition Father Was a Hunter at the Celje Art Salon in 2019, he drew attention to the problematic space in Celje through a film-staged photographic image of the depicted characters. Črnej has exhibited in Slovenia, Italy and Austria. He has received national and international mentions, recognitions and awards for his photographic work.
At this year’s KAOS he will present his light projection Contributions to Slavic Mythology, which will be projected on a tree at Cherry Garden.