Virginia Lorenzetti (1998, Rome, Italy) is currently studying in the School of Art Graphics, Rome Fine Arts Academy. Her work moves through the faces of traditional graphics: drawing, engraving and collage. Her technical and poetic research aims to achieve balance between images, lines and colours, investigating and depicting an introspective and dramatic vision of her inner reality. EXHIBITIONS – Rome: collective “Xilografia senza confini” (2017 and 2019); collective “Kontamina, ContaminAzioni festival” (2019); collective “Tempo im[perfetto] – TAG”, Tevere Art Gallery (2019); collective “Ex libris” gallery La___lineaartecontemporanea (2020). Messina: collective “Luna Quadra” (2019). Dublin: festival Collagistas V (2018). Cologne: Cologne National Book Fair (2019). Brussels: festival Collagistas VI (2019).
Izoliran sistem / Isolated system (2020)
Virginia Lorenzetti (IT)
Analogni kolaž / Analog collage
28,5 x 30 cm