Petja Montanez

SVETLOPISANI DNEVI | Kreativna tipografija - 44 dni veselja

torek, 5. 11. 2019
| 18:00
Mergentalerjeva ulična galerija Layerjeve hiše in TAM-TAMa

Kreativna tipografija – 44 dni veselja je ročno-tipografski projekt umetnice Petje Montanez, za katerega je navdih dobila nekegega ustvarjalnega dne. Med vsakodnevnim stresom se je odločila, da bo svoj dan začela s kreativno mantro. Ker se avtorica navdušuje nad tipografijo in naravnimi materiali, je bila rojena ideja „črka na dan“. Vsak dan je po instinktu izbrala določen material, s katerim je oblikovala in izrazila eno črko abecede. Njena mantra se je začela v pisarni, preden je začela z delom, in nadaljevala doma, ko je imela vsaj 10 minut prostega časa. Oblikovano črko je takoj ko je bila sestavljena, objavila na družbenih omrežjih. Tako je bila abeceda narejena v 44 dneh. Kasneje je za prijatelje začela sestavljati cela imena, misija doniranja imen pa še vedno poteka.


Petja Montanez deluje v svetu oglaševanja, kjer je doma že 20 let. Kot umetniška vodja je delala za različne oglaševalske agencije, trenutno za Publicis Slovenia. Za svoje delo je bila mnogokrat nagrajena na slovenskih in mednarodnih festivalih (Golden Drum, Cresta, Moscow International Advertising Festival, New York Advertising Festival, Ballcanes, Sempel…). Je prejemnica nagrade za najbolje oblikovano naslovnico albuma in nagrade za odličnost (Design Annual 42, Communication Arts, Brumen). Bila je tudi članica žirij (festival Cresta, New York Festival, Outstanding) in prva ženska predsednica žirije slovenskega oglaševalskega festival SOF. Pri njenem delu jo vodi misel, da nekatere oglaševalske kampanje lahko resnično spreminjajo svet. To je tudi razlog, da je velika ljubiteljica dobrodelnih oglaševalskih akcij. Nekatere od njenih zadnjih kampanj za Amnesty International in za Unicef so bile odmevne in deležne pozornosti na oglaševalskih festivalih v Sloveniji in tujini, predvsem pa so zares pomagale uresničiti zadane cilje.


Produkcija: Layerjeva hiša in TAM-TAM Inštitut


Več o festivalu Svetlopisani dnevi:


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HYALOTYPICAL DAYS | Festival of Photography

Creative typography - 44 days of joy

Mergentaler Street Gallery
5. 11. – 28. 11.


Opening: Tuesday, November 5th, 6pm


Petja Montanez


Creative typography - 44 days of joy is a handmade typography project of an artist Petja Montanez inspired by one creative day. During the everyday work stress, she has decided to start her day with a kind of creative mantra. She adores typography and natural materials therefore "one letter per day" idea was conceived. Each day - by instinct - she has chosen the specific material to design and express certain letter, each letter has inscription from material (considering it’s structure, granulation, colour itc.) that was made of. Her mantra happened either in the office before the job starts or at home in 10 min scope and designed letter was instantly posted on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. So the alphabet was made in 44 days. Fans on the web were telling her to do some special letters as Č, Ž, Š, Đ .... so they could make their own names therefore to spread out the creative “value” of alphabet I started to post complete names consisted of designed letters to my colleagues and friends and a mission with “donating” names is still in progress.


Petja Montanez has been in advertising for 20 years, she has worked as an Art director for several advertising agencies, and currently, Publicis Slovenia. She has been awarded numerous times at Slovene national festivals and at international festivals (Golden Drum, Cresta, Moscow International Advertising Festival, New York Advertising Festival, Ballcanes, Sempel…). She has received the Slovene Best CD cover award and the Award of Excellence in Design Annual 42 - Communication Arts, both for the year 2001. She was a member of the international regional jury of Cresta Festival in 2004 and the first female President of the jury of the Slovene Advertising Festival SOF that same year. Her work has been published in PRINT American Graphic Design Magazine. Today, she is the Art Director of Publicis Slovenia and her work has contributed substantially to the agency being awarded “Agency of the Year “in Slovenia in 2009. She is driven by the thought that some campaigns actually do change things. This is where her dedication and contribution to charity campaigns comes from. Some of her recent campaigns for Amnesty International and Unicef resulted in huge recognition in Slovenia and at several international festivals as well.


Production: Layer House and TAM-TAM Institute

More about the programme:


prijava na layer obvestila

prijava na medijska obvestila